Maker's Mark Starhill Spritz Cocktails - Secret Bottle Shop
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Maker's Mark Starhill Spritz Cocktails

Maker's Mark Starhill Spritz Cocktails

A touch of sparkling spice that's perfect for those holiday parties, this spritz is a refreshing way to enjoy Maker's Mark alongside warming flavours and sparkling wine. Best enjoyed with friends.

Vessel: Copa or large wine glass
Ice: Cubed Ice
Garnish: Orange wheel

25ml Maker’s Mark Bourbon
25ml Aperol
12.5ml passion fruit syrup
Chilled Prosecco to lengthen

Fill glass with cubed ice and pour over Maker’s Mark, Aperol and fruit syrup.
Stir ingredients together, top up with ice and lengthen with Prosecco Sparkling Wine.
Gently stir again and garnish with an orange wedge.

Maker's Mark Bourbon Starhill Spritz

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